
Early signs of postpartum depression

Early signs of postpartum depression

​Many of my clients wish they noticed the first signs of postpartum depression and started therapy earlier. It is hard to know if it’s early signs of postpartum depression, sleep deprivation, baby blues or a combination of these. However, if you’ve been...
Intrusive thoughts in postpartum

Intrusive thoughts in postpartum

Studies show that around 55% of women experience intrusive thoughts in postpartum. These thoughts are disturbing and feel out of our nature. It’s important to know how to deal with them and when to reach out for further help. With my second baby, I’ve been more...
How to stay calm with a colicky or crying baby

How to stay calm with a colicky or crying baby

When your baby is crying inconsolably, it can make you feel overwhelmed, frustrated and even angry. However, there are ways that can help you stay calm in the storm which might help your baby to calm down faster as well. What I’ve learned with babies and children is...
3 ways to make night wakings with your baby easier

3 ways to make night wakings with your baby easier

My 10-week-old wakes up 3+ times a night. With my first daughter, I dreaded every night and hated each wake-up. This time around I have found ways to make waking up in the middle of the night with my baby more enjoyable.   Waking up with your baby in the middle...
3 steps towards equal division of household chores

3 steps towards equal division of household chores

Many couples struggle with dividing the household chores equally to make sure one person is not doing it all. This article can help you learn how to make equal household chore division possible! With most of my postpartum clients, at one point during our work...
5 things I’m doing differently during my second pregnancy

5 things I’m doing differently during my second pregnancy

In this article, you will learn what I’m doing differently during my second pregnancy after I’ve been working with the perinatal population for 4 years.  Currently, I’m 35 weeks pregnant and ready to be done with being pregnant. I’ve been more anxious as I have more...
How to connect with other mothers?

How to connect with other mothers?

Lots of new moms feel isolated in postpartum. It can feel like you are stuck at home with your newborn with nowhere to go or no one to talk to.  Days can get long and mundane which will make you consider how to spice things up. A great way to get out of the rut is by...
Parenting can be tough sometimes.

Parenting can be tough sometimes.

Parenting can be tough, frustrating, exhausting, messy, dirty… but also funny, heartwarming, and fulfilling. We as parents live for those sweet moments when our child puts their head on our shoulders or says, “I love you.” Or when the house is quiet because kids are...
What is TEAM-CBT and why it helps?

What is TEAM-CBT and why it helps?

TEAM-CBT is a framework for doing therapy developed by Dr. David Burns. It is not a school of therapy (like psychoanalysis, narrative therapy, or Acceptance Commitment Therapy), but it’s a tool. A strong emphasis is put on collecting data on how therapy is...
Is it Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

Is it Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

Few days or weeks after giving birth to your beautiful baby, you wake up and know something is different. You feel emotional, struggle with crying spells, anxiety, and insomnia. Most of the time, this passes quickly, and you go back to enjoying your baby. However, for...