Individual Therapy

You are stuck in the same patterns.

Anxiety, worry, and racing heart are your everyday companions. A nagging voice in your head constantly tells you that you are not enough and things “should” be different.

You keep trying the same strategies, healthy and not so healthy, to cope with negative feelings without success. The struggle makes you feel frustrated and desperate. It feels like something’s wrong with you.

Asking advice from friends is useless – all they say is “cheer up” or “snap out of it.” Self-help books give good advice, but you get nowhere without having the motivation and energy to implement them.

You know you need to change, but you can’t alone. And you don’t have to.

Therapy helps you get unstuck.

Individual therapy helps you get untangled and gain clarity about the emotions you are experiencing.

In a warm, nonjudgmental relationship, you can learn to accept yourself and then intentionally choose what needs to change – in your life or relationships.

Therapy provides an opportunity to learn new skills that will help you for the rest of your life.

Healing shouldn’t be about temporary fixes but improvement for life. Everyone has setbacks. After going to therapy, you will know how to overcome them quickly and confidently.

YOU can make your life better.

Working with a therapist provides you the space to explore your feelings and experiences in a warm and understanding environment.

Currently, it feels like you are missing the knowledge and skills, but you have the power to learn, grow, and change.

My job is to guide you through every step you need to take to create the life you’ve always wanted, but you are making it happen. That is why therapy makes you feel empowered and strong.

Therapy is an investment in YOU.

Feeling great requires an investment of time and energy into yourself. You will learn how to cope better with everyday stresses, build your self-esteem, and regain balance in life by coming to therapy.

Now is the time to invest in yourself.

It’s time to move past limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and constant worry into acceptance, confidence, and calm. Getting rid of those beliefs will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of your self-defeating beliefs to take back control.

I am here to guide you towards your best self.