Therapy for Parents

Life has changed.

Now that you have kids, life is different. Six am wakeups, a schedule full of kid’s activities, and playdates on weekends replace nights out with friends, sleeping in on Sundays, and weekend trips.

Some of the changes are great, and you love your kids.

But sometimes it feels too overwhelming, especially when your kid is flipping their lid in the store, and everyone is staring at you.

Parenting is hard.

Everyone told you about the sleepless nights and mountain of diapers, but they forgot to mention the endless tantrums and screaming. Now, your head feels like it will explode from the noise.

Sometimes, getting out of the door takes longer than the activity. Leaving the playground feels like a battle.

During mealtimes, you feel like a short-order cook trying to cater to everyone’s wishes. And let’s not even talk about the struggles at bedtime.

And then, the talking back and kicking starts, fights with playdates and being obsessive with their toys leading to arguments with siblings, or even worse. If you felt overwhelmed before, now you are aghast.

Some guidance would be excellent.

First, when the difficulties started, you asked for advice from your friends. But they didn’t seem to understand your struggles and brushed it off as “terrible-twos” or being a “threenager.” Their comments left you feeling alone and like an incompetent parent.

Then, you searched for the right parenting book and tried all the strategies to no avail. It made you feel helpless and hopeless.

You are starting to realize that you need real help. Someone who can guide you through these crazy years without constantly losing it with your kids.

Therapy for parents will help.

To understand kids, we need to look behind the behavior, know about the brain development, age-appropriate behaviors, and what makes them act the way they do. But it’s hard to keep up with all the latest research and “best practices.” That is where I come into the picture.

Our work together starts with creating a space where you feel heard and understood. This accepting environment will let you share your struggles without being afraid that someone will judge you. Therapy session is a judgment-free zone where you can let it all out.

Having the capacity to make the necessary changes to create calm at home is also essential. So, we’ll talk about taking time for yourself and building a village around you. Without this, you cannot show up like the parent I know you want to be.

And then, we will deal with the problems with a clear goal of providing you the knowledge, tools, and confidence to deal with whatever pops up during the day. You will approach the situations with understanding and necessary compassion, take the role of a leader and a teacher, and help your kids learn the skills to behave appropriately, regulate themselves, and calm the storm.

We can work together to bring you joy in your family.

If you are looking for someone to create a battle plan with, you have found the person. I would love to support you through this journey and help you enjoy family life again.

It’s time to take the first step.