Parenting can be tough, frustrating, exhausting, messy, dirty… but also funny, heartwarming, and fulfilling.
We as parents live for those sweet moments when our child puts their head on our shoulders or says, “I love you.” Or when the house is quiet because kids are engaged in an activity or are finally sleeping in (their own) bed. Or when they say “thank you” to someone without us reminding them.
Everyone struggles behind closed doors
These are the moments we need to log into our memory books to keep us going during the rough times. And I know that EVERY parent has rough times.
Even that parent you follow on Instagram who seems to always have time to make hand-made costumes for Halloween or bake animal-faced cookies for the entire class.
Even that parent who looks like a model and always seems happy during kids pick-up time. Or the parent who talks about awesome family adventures in the mountains every weekend.
Each one of us struggles at one point in our parenting journey. We usually don’t see or hear about arguing parents, defiant toddlers, bills that go unpaid, or messy houses. Usually, we don’t share those stories, and often not even with the people who are closest to us. And sometimes not even with our parenting partners.
Everyone makes mistakes
You might feel guilty for letting your toddler watch television all day, so you could finally get some work done. Or feel embarrassed that you gave into your child’s tantrum (again) and bought that silly toy they played with for five minutes. Or ashamed that you yelled at your kids because you felt frustrated and tired from all the arguing.
These things happen. It is a normal part of parenting with its ups and downs. There are wonderful moments sprinkled in throughout our parenting journey, and there are tough times, when we feel like we are not able to do it anymore. Yet, we always endure. And we can come out of the thick wiser, more confident, and ready to tackle new challenges.
When you need it – ask for help!
And sometimes we need extra help and support during difficult times. Especially, when we feel isolated, desperate, and like nothing is going to ever get better. Simply talking to someone (partner, friend, family member, or counsellor) about what is going on might help you move forward from crisis mode.
So, if you are in the midst of a tough parenting period, know that this too shall pass! Bring out your memory book of precious moments to support you during these times. And, if you feel like it is too much to handle by yourself: Reach Out!